How to Generate TestNG Reports?

Posted by: admin September 19, 2023 No Comments

TestNG is a powerful testing framework that has been designed to help automate and streamline testing processes. One of the key features of TestNG is its ability to generate reports, which can provide valuable insights into the performance of your tests. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into TestNG’s reporting capabilities and show you how to generate comprehensive reports that will help you identify issues and improve your testing process.

Setting Up TestNG Reports

Before we dive into the specifics of generating reports, let’s start by setting up TestNG to generate reports. To do this, you’ll need to add the following listener to your TestNG XML file:


 <listeners> <listener class-name="org.testng.reporters.ExtentHtmlReporter"></listener> </listeners>

This listener enables TestNG to generate HTML reports using the ExtentReports library. Once you’ve added the listener, TestNG will automatically generate an HTML report after each test run.

Customizing TestNG Reports

TestNG reports can be customized to meet your specific requirements. To customize your reports, you can use the ExtentReports API. This API provides a range of customization options, including:

* Adding test information (such as test name, test status, and test duration) to the report
* Adding screenshots to the report
* Customizing report styles and themes
* Adding tags to the report
* Adding categories to the report
* Adding authors to the report
* And more

To use the ExtentReports API, you’ll need to create an instance of the ExtentReports class and use its methods to customize your report. Here’s an example:


ExtentReports extent = new ExtentReports();
ExtentTest test = extent.createTest("MyTest", "This is a test");
test.pass("This test passed");

This code creates an instance of the ExtentReports class, creates a new test called “MyTest”, adds a log message to the test, and flushes the report to generate an HTML file.

Generating TestNG Reports

To generate a TestNG report, you’ll need to run your tests using TestNG and then open the HTML report that is generated. The HTML report will provide a detailed summary of your test results, including information such as:

* Test name
* Test status (pass/fail)
* Test duration
* Test steps and log messages
* Screenshots (if applicable)
* And more

The HTML report can be viewed in any web browser, making it easy to share with other team members and stakeholders.

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