Fleek IT Solutions > Load Testing > Web app load test

Web app load test

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Client was looking for someone with a LoadImpact account (or similar) with expertise expert in performing web stress tests. They wanted to Simulate thousands of users to a website that is currently in development and generate a report that reviews the bottlenecks and makes recommendations to improve performance.

  • The max number of concurrent users that platform can support on a single server?
  • Bottleneck (DB? Network? Memory? CPU?)
  • Low hanging improvements to make to improve performance?
  • Reliability of load balancer and auto scaling implementation

After understanding the complete requirements and business goals, Fleek IT team proposed an cost-effective and reliable solutions using following technical stack

  • Jmeter – an open source tool designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance
  • Jmeter plugins – a custom set of plugins for Jmeter to generate additional reports and, provide flexibility in scripting to generate more realistic load and many more features
  • AWS EC2 instance – Load generation server
  • Blazemeter or redline13 as a load generation cloud